New sidewalks and bridges allow citizens to now walk safely to the downtown square rather than in vehicles through this TxDOT Transportation Alternates funded project.

Our Solution

This TxDOT Transportation Alternatives Project included construction of the replacement of 250 LF of 10’ wide sidewalk including handicap ramps, steps, curb and gutter replacement, and the addition of 5 decorative light fixtures along the west side of the downtown square.

The project continued by installing 610 LF of 5’ wide sidewalk from the northwest corner of the downtown square west along North Street to Rubye McKeown City Park and then continuing with 3,525 LF of 5’ wide sidewalk, 2 pedestrian bridges, and 399 square yards of concrete driveway improvements from the southwest corner of the park west along Quitman Street (FM 2795) concluding by crossing Quitman Street to connect to an apartment complex and residential neighborhood at Santa Fe Street. This street crossing included 2 solar powered flashing pedestrian crossing signs.

Project Details


Emory, Texas


  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Application for Finance
  • Design Surveys
  • Geotechnical Surveys
  • Design Plans & Specifications
  • Bidding & Contract Execution
  • Construction Review
  • Materials Testing
  • TDLR Inspection Record Drawings