Our Solution
This project was begun with an evaluation of flow monitoring and a sanitary sewer evaluation system (smoke testing) to prioritize system inflow / infiltration problems.
Additionally a TV inspection of approximately 5,300 LF of 12-18 inch sanitary sewer main was performed.
Improvements included replacement of approximately 7,887 Lf of 6” to 24” sanitary sewer lines, 26 new manholes, 50 rehabilitated manholes, and 15 point repairs.
Improvements also included a 24 inch gravity sewer inlet line and control panel replacement for the SH 11 North lift station.
Winnsboro, Texas
Application for Finance
Preliminary Engineering Report
Design Surveys
Easements/TxDOT ROW
Design Plans & Specifications
Archeological Services
Construction Bid & Award
Construction Review
Record Drawings
Warranty Review