The major portion of this project was the replacement of approximately 9.5 miles of 30 plus year old maintenance prone and potentially hazardous asbestos cement water mains.

Our Solution

Hayter Engineering assisted the District in obtaining funding for this project through the Texas Water Development Board Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

System 7 waterlines were asbestos cement (AC) pipe in excess of 30 years old in high shrink-swell blackland clays in the Roxton area. Combining this situation with the brittle nature of AC pipe resulted in frequent repairs, very poor reliability of service, and significant water losses. These conditions coupled with the increasing demand in the Roxton and surrounding service area identified the need for all of the AC mains to be replaced with PVC mains.

Improvements included the installation of approximately 9.5 miles of 6”, 8” and 12” water main from Toco to Roxton, including valves, fittings, service transfers, flush valves, connections to adjacent existing lines, road and drive bores.

A new altitude valve, associated piping, and valve vault was installed on the existing sites of both the Roxton and High standpipes.

An inlet riser pipe was also installed inside both the Roxton and High standpipes.

An all-weather rock access drive was installed at the High standpipe site and at both the Roxton and High Standpipes sites. Yard piping improvements were made at the Brookston pump station & standpipe site.

Project Details


Southeast Lamar County , Texas




Application for Finance
Engineering Feasibility Report
Environmental Studies
Design Surveys
Design Plans & Specifications
Easements - ROW Permits
Construction Bid & Award
Construction Review
Warranty Review
Water Conservation Plan