8.8 miles of original system, maintenance prone cast iron mains were replaced with 6" through 16" C-900 DR 18 PVC mains at a cost of $2,141,710.

Our Solution

These improvements were divided into two contracts with the construction staggered to minimize the impact on the citizens.

The two projects were part of the larger $7.3 million dollar project funded by the Texas Water Development Board Clean Water State Revolving Fund for a water facilities improvements project.

Contract A improvements included installation and testing of approximately 15,700 LF of 6” through 16” water main, and 1,010 LF of 6” gravity sewer lines.

Contract B improvements included installation of approximately 30,700 LF of 6” through 12” C-900 DR 18 PVC water mains, 20 fire hydrants, line tie-ins, D.I. fittings, 256 service transfers, DeRose elevated storage tank fill valve replacement and site work, regrass and street and driveway pavement restoration.

Project Details


Bonham, Texas


Contract A: $919,866
Contract B: $1,221,844


Financial Application
Preliminary Engineering Report
Environmental Studies
Design Surveys
Design Plans & Specifications
Property-Boundary Surveys
Easements – ROW Permits
Geotechnical Engineering
Construction Bid & Award
Construction Review
Materials Testing
On-Site Observation
Warranty Review